Dip N' Drive

The Sport of Weightlifting

Hookgrip: Bar Acceleration in Second Pull

Hookgrip has been doing amazing work lately. Their Facebook and Instagram pages are constantly churning out beautiful weightlifting photography.

Lately they’ve been doing more “infographic” photos that provide insight in addition to beauty. Below is the best example to date:


The lines track bar path for three world-class 77kg weightlifters cleaning 196kg. The length of each line segment represents distance traveled between each frame.

Two things you can notice about Lu Xiaojun’s photo compared to the other two.

1) Look at how much more vertical Lu’s bar path is than the other two lifters. You can also see this in his lack of lean back relative to the other two lifters at triple extension.

2) Look at how much power Lu generates during his second pull. As hookgrip notes, it “show[s] Lu’s remarkable explosive power even compared to the best 77s in the world”.

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